That was the term that some prissy troops used for ridiculous, unnecessary measures
taken by military martinets, the arrogant top brass, usually harassment to emphasize and make the underlings certain who is in charge while claiming to improve discipline and morale, or as my army basic training drill sergeant called it, chickenshit...

Here's what this is all about, before we forget the point of this page, the actual, official
US Army Public Affairs Office statement from its website:

"The Veteran's Alumni Database, while being hosted on Army-owned equipment,
was maintained by a private citizen, Mr. Ben Myers. After a legal review by
the Office of General Counsel, it was determined that the Veteran's Alumni
Database had to be removed from the Army Homepage.

The Veteran's Alumni Database was removed from the Army Homepage because of
a Joint Ethics Regulation provision which limits the amount of appropriated
fund support that can be provided to a non-federal entity. Among the
considerations of whether the Army should provide the support is whether
the Army is able and willing to provide the same support to comparable
entities. At this point, the Army is not structured to provide such support.
Therefore, it cannot show favoritism to one entity.

The Army Homepage receives requests to provide similar services from non-federal
entities on a regular basis. Such requests are declined because the Army Homepage
cannot provide this support for all who ask for it. We realize that the Veteran's
Alumni Database had provided information to a number of individuals and organizations.
However, at this time, supporting it on the Army Homepage is not permissible."
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